Keep your ideas very limited and focus on organizing a few very solid thoughts in the initial stages of planning.
Not only are facts necessary to appeal to the audience, it is also necessary to appeal to their:
Facts appeal to logic, and stories appeal to emotion; but in order to effectively persuade, a presentation should also appeal to:
It is important to strike a balance of appeal to both the logic and the emotional and passionate instincts of an audience.
A presenter can easily create interest by:
A great presentation never uses personal stories or information. The audience should know as little about their presenter as possible.
In order to think of stories to add to a presentation, thinking chronologically works, but you can also utilize people, places, and things to guide your thinking and help you recall relevant happenings.
The best way to help audiences understand the numbers and figures a presentation might have is to:
What does MECE stand for?
What is the basic concept behind MECE?